| US New Weapon 2016 - News News Zone
Saturday, April 2, 2016

The Euromissile HOT framework (Haut subsonique Optlquement teleguide tire d'un Tube) was together created by Aerospatiale and the then Messerschmidt-Bolkow-Blohm from 1964 onwards and twist balanced out wire-guided tube-dispatched Anti-Tank Guided Weapon (ATGW) with a 150 mm gauge warhead (HOT-2) for use from ground, vehicle or helicopter mounts.

The direction utilized is of the Semi-Automatic Command to Line Of Sight (SACLOS) sort with an infrared following framework. All the heavy armament specialist needs to do is to keep In 1993, the enhanced HOT-3 (already called the HOT-2T) variant entered administration with a warhead streamlined for use against more advanced defensive layer bundles. The warhead is 0.5 kg heavier than the HOT-2 warhead.

A multipurpose warhead is likewise accessible, the HOT-2MP. This can infiltrate up to 500 mm of reinforcement steel circles taking after explosion on account of the course of action of the steel circles around the edges of the empty charge. The HOT-2 MP likewise has a flammable impact on account of a synthetic compound around the front of the empty charge. The 5 to 6 mm preformed chips are successful out to a separation of 20 to 30 m from the explosion point.

The HOT-3 has a pair High Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT) charge framework for use against receptive covering bundles. At the point when dispatched from helicopters the HOT-3 most extreme extent can achieve 4,300 m. At a steady speed of 240 m/s the HOT-3 flight times are 9 seconds to 2,000 m; 13 seconds to 3,000 m; and 17.3 seconds to 4,000 m.

HOT has seen battle administration with the French Army in Chad, the Cameroon Air Force amid the 1984 upset endeavor in that nation, the Syrian Air Force in Lebanon amid the 1982 Peace for Galilee War, the Moroccan Air Force in the Sahara strife, with the Iraqi Army and Air Force in its war with Iran and in the 1991 Gulf War (utilized by Kuwait, Iraq, France, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates).

By 1998, more than 85,000 rockets had been requested together with 860 vehicle and 720 helicopter launcher frameworks by 19 nations.

An overhaul accessible for HOT launcher frameworks is the substitution of the present simple direction gadgets with computerized hardware. This decreases the general framework weight and enhances the unwavering quality variable.

In 1992, the vehicle-mounted Mephisto and the helicopter-mounted Viviane launcher frameworks were enhanced by the selection of an infra-red tracker unit working in the 1 urn wavelength band to build imperviousness to optical countermeasures. Together with the 10 u.m band warm imager, the localisation unit will work in a bispectral mode.

The HOT/ATLAS terminating post has been created as a private wander and permits the framework to be fitted onto lightweight vehicles, for example, the Land Rover. This rendition fires the standard HOT rocket and has been embraced by Morocco.

Map book remains for Affut de Tir Leger Au Sol and Morocco is the main known client in this way.

combination of another weapon framework called HOT/ATM which on the same stage consolidates propelled perception, correspondence and shooting abilities. In the assignment HOT/ATM, the last stands for Advanced Turret Modular.

The HOT/ATM framework has been created to meet the necessities of the French and German armed forces for a framework fit for being introduced on light followed and wheeled protected vehicles which can complete propelled perception, and in addition drawing in focuses with HOT ATGW out to a greatest scope of 4,000 m.

The turret is fitted with a pole mounted balanced out sensor unit which highlights a TV camera, warm camera, eye-safe laser extent discoverer and the rocket direction sensor.

The sensor unit can be utilized for perception, discovery, localisation, show, programmed target following and rocket following.

The checking and show module is fitted inside the vehicle and permits the administrator to do combat zone observation, exact target localisation on an advanced landscape map, programmed target following, target determination before engagement and HOT rocket propelling with a short response time.

The turret is unmanned with the administrator being situated in the vehicle. Mounted either side of the turret are maybe a couple HOT ATGW's in the prepared to dispatch position.

Moreover, the HOT/ATM can trade observation and terminating information with neighboring frameworks, and additionally upper level C4 RISTA frameworks.

The HOT/ATM framework can be fitted onto an extensive variety of followed and wheeled vehicles, for example, the French Panhard VBL (4 x 4), German MaK Wiesel light air-convenient protected vehicle and the US AM General HMMWV (4 x 4).


Underway. In administration with 19 nations including Cameroon, China, Cyprus, Ecuador, Egypt, France, Gabon, Germany, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Morocco, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Syria and the United Arab Emirates.

Heavily clad vehicle applications

Followed AMX-10P (four-tube Lancelot 1 turret - Saudi Arabian Army)

Followed Jaguar 1 (single-tube programmed revive launcher - 225 with German Army and 90 with Australian Army 8x8 MOWAG Piranha (four-tube Lancelot 3 turret - 98

with Saudi Arabian MODA)

6x6 Panhard VCR/TH (four-tube UTM 800 turret - 100

with Iraqi Army; a considerable lot of these were lost amid the 1991 Gulf War)

6x6 VAB-VCAC (four-tube UTM 800 turret - 24 with Qatari Army and 18 with Cyprus National Guard)

4x4 VAB-VCAC (four-tube Mephisto turret - 135 conveyed to French Army).


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